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50 recent changes in Community Web retrieved at 04:28 (Local)

Director Briefing August 23, 2022 Ordering Barcode Scanners, Receipt Printers Paper from Kelsy The OWWL Docs page on ordering supplies has been updated. On t...
Director Briefing August 16, 2022 Trustee Handbook Book Club After Party Part II The Trustee Handbook Book Club After Party Part II is now live on Mid Hudson...
Director Briefing August 8, 2022 Annual Meeting: October 12, 2022 This year, we are hosting our Annual Meeting and election of System Trustees via Zoom and in ...
Director Briefing July 26, 2022 First Amendment Audits There is a "First Amendment Auditor" targeting government buildings and libraries in Wyoming County. If ...
Director Briefing July 18, 2022 Survey: Public Library Disaster Preparedness and Community Recovery Assistance Original Email from Rebekkah Smith Aldrich: We a...
Linux Printing PDFs Overview There are multiple ways to print and view PDFs in our Linux LTSP environment. The most common is to view a PDF from an internet sou...
Director Briefing July 11, 2022 Small Libraries Summer Symposium I would like to offer an enormous thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Small Libra...
Director Briefing July 5, 2022 Barring Pride Displays in Libraries Many of you probably heard about the Smithtown Library on Long Island and the Board's recent...
Monday Briefing September 20, 2021 NYLA Legislative Committee Last week during a NYLA Legislative Committee Meeting, the potential legislative ideas below were...
Monday (Tuesday) Briefing September 7, 2021 2nd Annual OWWLie Awards Inaugural Donut Wall! Details are finally set for the 2nd Annual OWWLie Awards! We are g...
Monday Briefing June 7, 2021 COVID 19 Update: Future Lifting of COVID Restrictions Earlier today, Governor Cuomo announced that once NY hits a 70% level of vac...
March 1, 2021 Advocacy Day Follow Up Thank you to those who were able to participate in this year's Advocacy Day. I know it wasn't as smooth as it has been in ye...
Monday Briefing March 14, 2022 System Meeting Canceled: Friday, March 18, 2022 Our presenter for Friday's System Meeting had a conflict and we will need to res...
March 15, 2021 Audio Version of the Monday Briefing For fun, Suzanne and I used Zoom to record this week's Monday Briefing. I can't guarantee we'll have time to ...
Monday Briefing March 28, 2022 Trustee Handbook Book Club: Policies and Risk Management Tomorrow night is the Trustee Handbook Book Club on Policies and Risk M...
Monday Briefing March 29, 2021 Very Important Top Priority Super Urgent Message from Bob On the weekend of April 2nd we will be migrating Zimbra Mail to a new ...
March 8, 2021 COVID 19 Travel Updates Last week, New York State eased some Travel Restrictions related to COVID 19. Specifically, domestic travelers who are full...
Monday Briefing May 10, 2021 Update on COVID 19 Restrictions Starting May 19, there will be a significant number of restrictions lifted across the State on bus...
Monday Briefing May 16, 2022 Oaths of Office for Public Libraries When reviewing Annual Reports this year, DLD sent a general reminder that Trustees of Public ...
Monday Briefing May 17, 2021 Update on Mask and CDC Guidance May 20, 2021 Executive Order 202.108 The directive contained in Executive Order 202.17, as exte...
Monday Briefing May 24, 2021 Legislative Updates Senate Bill S2890B * Summary: Relates to requiring publishers to offer licenses for electronic books to li...
Monday Briefing May 3, 2021 Delivery Update We continue to work on correcting our driver situation so we can have a more stable delivery experience for librari...
Monday Briefing November 1, 2021 Trustee Workshop: How to Evaluate Your Director Monday, November 8 at 5:00 PM Discussion Points: * Plan, communicate, and...
Monday Briefing November 22, 2021 Last Chance: System Satisfaction Survey A few people have reached out asking if they have already completed the System Satisf...
Monday Briefing November 29, 2021 Hochul Declaring a Disaster Emergency in New York Seemingly due to the rise in COVID cases and the threat of the newly discov...
Monday Briefing November 8, 2021 2020 Census Information from DLD Last week the Division of Library Development sent out a notice indicating that the recently ...
Monday (Tuesday) Briefing October 12, 2021 Trustee Training Legislation Signed After a long wait, the Governor has signed the legislation requiring members of ...
Monday Briefing October 18, 2021 Annual Tax Cap Reminders 2022 It s getting close to the time of year when it is recommended that libraries that go out for a p...
Monday Briefing October 25, 2021 OverDrive Magazines? Recently, I have received a few requests for us to invest in a System wide subscription to OverDrive maga...
Monday Briefing October 4, 2021 Computer and Network Services (CANS) Dept. Situations Reset Passwords Immediately Important! Action may be required! While rev...
Monday Briefing September 13, 2021 PLSDAC Recap Thank you to everyone who attended PLSDAC last Friday. If you were unable to attend, here is the OWWL Docs pag...
Monday Briefing August 30, 2021 E Waste Recycling Drop Off at PLS from Adam Starting Friday, August 27th until September 17th, you can bring your old Library c...
Monday Briefing December 20, 2021 In District Advocacy Visits In district Advocacy visits can be found here
February 1, 2021 Winter Weather Advisory from Suzanne Delivery delays or cancellations due to inclement weather will be communicated via email. When there is a d...
Monday Briefing February 14, 2022 Legislative Updates Advocacy Day Save The Date: Library Advocacy Day is March 2nd Learn how to participate here. For the sec...
February 17, 2021 Information on Prioritizing Library Workers in Vaccination Schedule There have been conversations throughout the library community over the pas...
February 22, 2021 Advocacy Day is this Friday Virtual Advocacy Day begins Friday at 9:30 AM. The schedule for our legislative visits can be found on the Advocacy...
Monday Briefing February 28, 2022 Advocacy Day March 2, 2022 Virtual Advocacy Day is this Wednesday! If you plan on attending, please indicate which visits ...
February 8, 2021 DLD Reopening Task Force The Reopening Task Force is a group of System and State Library staff who are analyzing information from libraries acro...
Monday Briefing January 10, 2022 Employee Handbook Template During Friday's PLSDAC Meeting we discussed the System contracting with HR Works to create an Emplo...
January 11, 2021 State of the State Notes At 11:30 AM this morning, Governor Cuomo delivered his State of the State address. He was realistic in his assessment o...
January 19, 2021 State Budget Update Earlier today, Governor Cuomo held a press conference for the FY 2022 Budget Plan that is due on April 1, 2022. The biggest ...
Monday Briefing January 24, 2022 System Orientation for New Trustees On February 7, 2022, at 5 PM we'll be offering an orientation for new Trustees about the S...
January 25, 2021 Updated Supplemental Guidance on COVID 19 Sick Leave Last Friday, HR Works sent out a notice that there have been updates to the supplemental gu...
Monday Briefing January 31, 2022 Announcement: OWWL Libraries Assistive Technologies Grant Program Assistive Technologies are products, equipment, software, or...
January 4, 2021 Sick Time and COVID 19 The Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Expired 12/31/2020 and the federal government did not pass an extension...
Monday Briefing July 12, 2021 July Learning Opportunities from Suzanne While we do not have a System Meeting in July, there are several learning opportunities ...
Monday Briefing July 19, 2021 OWWL Cost Shares Last week Kelly sent out the OWWL Cost Shares for FY 2021. Many libraries will notice a decrease or a minor incr...
Monday (Tuesday) Briefing June 1, 2021 Construction Grant Intent to Apply due June 25, 2021 The FY 2022 State Aid for Library Construction Intent to Apply is d...
Monday Briefing June 14, 2021 Delivery Update from Suzanne We are still working to increase Delivery to pre COVID levels, however, we are unfortunately still f...
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