Monday Briefing - June 7, 2021
COVID-19 Update: Future Lifting of COVID Restrictions
Earlier today, Governor Cuomo announced that once NY hits a 70% level of vaccination, nearly all COVID restrictions will be lifted state-wide.
Restrictions to be lifted:
- Capacity restrictions
- Social distancing
- Cleaning and disinfecting
- Health screening
- Contact information for potential training
Some institutional requirements will remain in effect.
While there is no formal estimate on when the state will reach this goal, there were informal "guesses" that ranged from one week to the end of July. I will be keeping a close eye on this and update everyone as we get closer to these changes.

Family Literacy Facilitator Training from Suzanne
Here is a more detailed overview of the Family Literacy Facilitator Training & Workshops I gave a quick introduction to this morning at PLSDAC. We are excited to offer another leadership opportunity to OWWL Libraries staff as well as expand early literacy outreach in our four counties.
Financial Oversight Trustee Workshop - Thursday, June 10 at 6:00 PM
Discussion Points:
- Roles of financial officers
- Types of funding
- Funding votes
- Audits
- Investments
Click here to register
NYLA Call to Action: #EBooks4All
Rerun: Construction Grant Intent to Apply due June 25, 2021
The FY 2022 State Aid for Library Construction Intent to Apply is due on June 25, 2021.
Click here to review the Construction Grants page on OWWL Docs and access the Intent to Apply
DLD has released the FY 2022 Allocation Chart and Pioneer Library System has been appropriated $916,863 to award.
As mentioned at the last System Meeting, there are two bills before the Legislature that may result in some changes to the Construction program, specifically the three-year timeframe and the portion of each system's allocation that may be funded at up to 90% funding. Information will be distributed by DLD if either or both bills are passed by the Legislature and are signed by the Governor.
If you have any questions, please email Suzanne.