Item Status
Item Status is an item attribute that indicates an item's "state of being."
Item Status can be manually applied and changed (using the Holdings Editor) or system applied as the result of a circulation transaction. We recommend that item statuses are changed using a circulation transaction or function, such as
Check In Items (aka Process Items),
Mark Item Damaged, etc.
Some statuses are set to be non-visible in the OPAC and non-holdable.
Status |
Manual or System |
Description |
Holdable |
OPAC Visible |
Related Information |
Available |
Manual and system |
An item is on the shelf |
Yes |
Yes |
Canceled Transit |
System |
An item had been in transit but the transit was cancelled |
Yes |
Yes |
Checked Out |
System |
Item is loaned to a patron |
Yes |
Yes |
Circulation: Check Out |
In Process |
Manual and system |
Item has been added to the catalog, but is not yet available |
Yes |
Yes |
AddVolumes, Reports List Items By Copy Status |
In Transit |
System |
Item has been checked in and routed to another library |
Yes |
Yes |
On Holds Shelf |
System |
Hold item is "ready for pickup" |
Yes |
Yes |
BrowseHoldsShelf, PatronHolds, Circulation: Check In |
On Order |
Manual |
Record has been created but item has not been received |
Yes |
Yes |
Reshelving |
Manual and System |
Item has been checked in but may not yet be on the shelf |
Yes |
Yes |
Circulation: Check In |
Bindery |
Manual |
An item is out of the library, being bound |
No |
No |
Reports List Items By Copy Status |
Cataloging |
Manual and system |
An item is being worked on by Holdings Maintenance staff |
No |
No |
Request Items / Recall Holds, Reports List Items By Copy Status |
Claimed returned |
System |
Item is marked as "Claims returned" |
No |
No |
Claims Returned |
Damaged |
Manual and system |
Item is damaged and "in repair" |
No |
No |
Items Mark Item Damaged, Reports List Items By Copy Status |
Discard/Weed |
Manual |
Item has been marked for review/future removal from catalog |
No |
No |
PLS Use Only |
No |
No |
Lost |
Manual and system |
Item has been declared lost by patron or is overdue to the point of being assumed to be lost |
No |
No |
Items Mark Item Lost, Reports List Of Lost Items |
Lost and paid |
Manual and system |
When a lost item bill is paid / forgiven, the item is automatically set to this status. Items with this status should be deleted. |
No |
No |
Missing |
Manual and system |
Item should be on the shelf but is not |
No |
No |
Items Mark Item Missing, Reports List Items By Copy Status |
Storage |
Manual |
Item is in storage |
No |
No |
Long overdue |
Not used by PLS |
On reservation shelf |
Not used by PLS |
Reserves |
Not used by PLS |