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Evergreen Glossary

Active Barcode

A patron's current, primary, library card barcode. It displays in the Patron Account Summary and patron Edit. When a patron's library card number is replaced, the new barcode becomes the active barcode.

Active Patron

A patron is considered active when they have current or recent transactions, and also when the account has been expired for three or fewer years.

An account expired for three years will be marked inactive by the system. Staff can mark an account inactive, from Patron Edit, if they know that the person has left the OWWL service area or is deceased.

Billing Type

Indicates the bill reason, and is either a system generated type or manual type.

System billing types include Overdue Materials and Lost Materials, etc; manual billing types include Card Replacement Fee, Misc, etc. Billing types primarily appear in the Patron account > Bills functions.

Call Number

An item's call number is a string of letters and or numbers that work like map coordinates to describe where in a library a particular item "lives".

A call number may be a simple as "FIC GRI" which indicates that the item is shelved in the Fiction area, alphabetically by the Author's last name, beginning with GRI.

A call number may be more elaborate, including additional information such as format: LP for Large Print or PB for Paperback or AUDIOCD FIC GRI for a fiction audiobook on CD.

A non-fiction call number (in OWWL Libraries) uses the Dewey Decimal Classification system, and look like: 641.5954 DEV. The numbers before the period indicate a general subject classification (in this example "Food & Drink"), the number after the period indicating more specific information (in this example, Indian vegetarian cooking), sometimes followed by the first three letters of the Author's name.

Card Expiration Courtesy Notice

30 days before a patron's account / privilege expiration date will occur, an email notice is sent alerting them to contact their library to update their account.

Checkin Library

The library at which an item was returned or from which it was renewed.

Checkin Scan Time

The timestamp of the actual date and time an item was scanned in Check In. This date will be different than the Checkin Time for all items scanned in Backdated Check In mode or using Backdated Post-Check In.

Checkin Time

The timestamp indicating the effective checkin date and time. In a normal check in, this date will match the CheckinScan Time. In a backdated check in, this will indicate the selected back date.

Checkout Date

The date on which an item was checked out.

Checkout Library

The library from which an item was checked out or renewed.

Circulation Library

Generally an item's "home library" or owning library; the library to which the item is returned for reshelving on check in. Circulation Library is different than Checkout Library.

Circulation Limit

A circulation rule setting that will limit the number of items a patron can have checked out at one time. Circulation Limits are based on Circulation Modifiers and/or Shelving Locations, and are set per library. See also: Circulation Limits.

Circulation Modifier

A key component in determining how an item circulates, and also used for reporting. Circulation Modifiers usually correspond to the type of material, such as "Magazine", "Video", etc. For more information, see: Circulation Modifiers.

Circulation Rules

The policies that govern how different types of materials circulate: to which users, for how long, with how many renewals, and what fines will be generated. They are primarily composed of Circulation Modifier, Patron Permission Group, Loan Duration, Renewal Limit, Fine Rate, and Max Fine. All OWWL Libraries' individual Circulation Rules form the Circulation Matrix. This can be viewed using the Circ Matrix Report. Fore more information see: Circulation Matrix.

Claims Returned

When a patron states that they have returned an item, but that the library failed to check in it to clear it from the patron's account. For more information see: Patron Items Out > Mark Claims Returned.

Comma Separated Values - CSV

An application neutral, plain text file format for tabular (spreadsheet) data. Evergreen lists can be copied or saved as CSV files, which can be opened in Excel or any other spreadsheet application.

Copy Hold

A hold placed on a specific item record, which can only be fulfilled by that specific item. Only OWWL Library staff can place copy holds.

Copy Note

A note placed on an item record to add donations, memorials, or other issues as needed. Notes can be either public, visible in the online catalog, or staff only, visible only in the staff client. For more information see: Add Copies > Copy Notes

Copy / Item Record

The record associated with a specific circulating item. Copy / item records include a unique barcode, circulation modifier, loan rules, and descriptive elements. Item records are attached to volume records which are attached to title records.

Copy Status

The current "state of being" of an item. The status is typically a result of circulation transactions, such as "Checked Out", "In Transit", etc. For more information, see Copy Status.

Due Date

The day on or before which an item must be returned to the library in order to avoid being charged an overdue fine.


The software system used by OWWL to manage all patrons, materials, and circulation transactions.

Fine Level

Determines the amount that will be billed for overdue material. Fine levels are defined by Circulation Modifier, Patron Permission Group, and Circulating Library; they are set in the copy Record.

Fines Stopped

Indicates the reason why a particular circulation has stopped accruing overdue fines. The fines stopped reasons include: Claimed Returned, Lost, Checked In (this is also used for items that have been renewed), and Maxfines.

Hold Available On

The date on which an item was scanned in Check In at the hold Pickup Library.

Hold Capture Date

The date on which a specific item was scanned in Check In and linked to, or captured by, a specific hold record. The item could have been scanned in Check In after being returned or from a library's Pull List for Hold Requests. Captured hold items would then be routed to the pickup library to be made available.

Hold Current Copy

The specific item captured for a hold. A Current Copy barcode will only appear in a hold record or hold list when one has been captured

Hold limit

The maximum number of active holds allowed on a patron account. The hold limit is currently set to 20 active holds; this is effective for both patron-placed holds and staff-placed holds. Suspended holds do not count towrd the hold limit.


Describes the materials owned and circulated by libraries, and that are entered into the Evergreen catalog.

Holdings Maintenance

The range of activities related to adding, editing, and deleting volume and item catalog records.

Home Library

By default the library where a patron registered for their library account, it is generally considered the patron's "preferred" library. Home Library is also used to include patrons for statistical and usage reports. Home Library can be changed at any time based on the patron's preference.

In-system Patron

Registered OWWL users who live within the Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston counties service area, or any tax-supporting school districts outside of the county boundaries.

Inter-Library Loan (ILL)

Requests for materials owned by libraries outside of the OWWL system. ILL requests are managed between the OWWL library on behalf of the requesting patron, and PLS staff who submit the request with outside libraries.

Integrated Library System (ILS)

The type of library software that includes Evergreen.

Item barcode

Unique code that is used to identify item records.

Item Damaged Beyond Repair

An item that is sufficiently damaged that it cannot be repaired and will not be returned to circulation.

Juvenile Patron

A Juvenile patron is a system calculation based on the patron's Date of Birth and a library setting that defines the Juvenile age. The OWWL standard age is 13. Libraries may request a different juvenile age; common ages are 16 or 18.

The Juvenile flag is used for circulation rules affecting circulation to juvenile patrons, such as fine free circulations.

Last Billing Type

The final billing type for a billable transaction. For example, an overdue item will have a series of daily Overdue Materials bills. If the item remains overdue, the overdue materials bills will be replaced by a Lost Materials bill when the item is marked lsot. The Lost Materials bill becomes the Last Billing Type. This is the most common display field for current and historical bills.

Library Delivery Codes

Every OWWL library has a 2-5 letter code that is used to label materials for delivery between libraries, and as the library "shortname" in Evergreen. A complete list of codes is available here: pdf Delivery codes (and circ desk email addresses)

Loan Duration

The length of time a given type of material can circulate. Evergreen provides three options: short, normal, and long, where the library's values for loan durations are set in their circulation rules.Duration are typically 1 to 3 weeks.

Max Fine

The amount at which overdue fines stop accruing.


Materials that cannot be checked out, or circulated, for use outside of the library.

Non-Cataloged Types

Classes of materials for which libraries do not want to create item records, but do want to count for usage statistics. Non-cataloged types are used in Check Out and In-House Use.


Materials that cannot fulfill hold requests. Items may be non-holdable because of copy status, such as lost or missing, or because the class of material cannot be requested, such as reference or local history materials.

Online Public Access Catalog / OPAC

The OWWL Catalog available to the public; allows patrons to search all OWWL library collections, place holds, and view their own library accounts. See also: Online Public Access Catalog for more information.

Out of System Patron

Registered OWWL user who lives outside of the Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston counties service area.

Owning Library

The library that owns an item, or, more specifically owns the volume/call number record to which the item is attached.Owning Library is generally the same as Circulation Library.

Patron Barcode

The unique code that identifies an OWWL patron.

Patron Permission Group

Pemrission groups control circulation characteristics for patron accounts and staff client privileges for staff.

Patron Statistical Categories

These are codes used to collect statistical data about the patron for reporting purposes.

The OWWL statistical catagories include:
  • Patron Type - options: Administration, Adult, Agency, Child, Homebound, Homeschool, School, and Teen
  • Registration on File At - options: libraries
  • Residency - options: city, town, village tax codes
  • School Code - options: school district codes
Some libraries have custom statistical categories to indicate membership, college students, etc.

Potential Copies

The number of items that could potentially fulfill a hold request. They have a holdable copy status and shelving location, and are not excluded based on hold policies.

Privilege Expiration Date

This is also referred to account expiration date. Patron access to their accounts are set to "expire" annually, the date is based on the date their account was created or when the privilege expiration was last updated. The purpose of an expire date is to have an opportunity to verify and update patron contact and other information.

Recurring Fine

The formal term for daily overdue fines.

Remaining Renewals

Indicates the number of times a given circulation can be renewed.

Renewal Limit

The number of renewals allowed for a given checkout. Renewal limits are included with the Loan Duration and coded in the Circulation Rule assigned to the Checkout Library and Circulation Modifier.

Retrieve Last Bib Record

A Cataloging Menu option that will open the most recently accessed title record. It does not matter if the last title record accessed was opened in the same tab as Retrieve Last Bib Record.

Retrieve Last Patron

A Circulation Menu option that will open the most recently accessed patron account. It does not matter if the last patron account accessed was opened in the same tab as Retrieve Last Patron.

Shelving / Shelf Location

The area in the library where an item is housed.

Statistical Categories (Items)

Descriptive information about items that is not part of the MARC record or item record, and is not used for circulation or search. Statistical categories are used for reporting. For example, PLS uses statistical categories to capture data for the NYS Annual Report.

Statistical Categories (Patrons)

Descriptive information about patrons that is not part of the patron record, and is not used for circulation. Statistical categories are used for reporting. For example, PLS uses statistical categories to record where patrons pay property and school taxes for funding-related statistics.

Title Hold

A hold placed on the title record. All copies attached to the title record are potentially eligible to fulfill the hold. This is the olny type of hold a patron can place.

Title Record

Also referred to as bibliographic, or bib, records, these describe the content and format of the work. All library holdings, Volume/Call Number and Item records, are attached to a title record.

Volume Hold

A hold placed on a volume/call number record. Only the items attached to the volume will be eligible to fulfill the hold.

Volume Record

Attached to a title record, they correspond to specific Call Numbers and contain Item Records.


The Evergreen staff user working environment, that is set up for a staff users working library and with a unique name to track staff activities. Multiple workstations can be set up for the same browser, and configured for different staff worksflows and needs.
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