Circulation by Day and Hour Report

Evergreen v.2.2


Filter Options

Select your library and date range. Clicking in the date text box will open a calendar gadget. Because this report groups data only by day of week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. - and hour of day, if you select a range greater than a week, each day's and hour's data will be cumulative.

CircByDayHour Filter.png

Example Report

CircByDayHour Example.png

Tips for use

This report has been used by libraries to track busy periods to ensure they have appropriate staff coverage, to track circulation activity following programs, for data to use when considering adjusting open/close times, and to reward staff for their hard work if weekly activity exceeded a certain level.

This report is similar to the Reports Local Activity and Reports Evergreen Activity Dashboard, both of which include circulation desk activites beyond check outs.
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