Status Damaged
The Status Damaged report lists all items with the
Items Item Status Damaged.
Report Data
Schedule and Access
This report is available from the
Reports Browse Reports. It is an ad hoc report, which can be generated on demand and displays all records with the
Items Item Status Damaged as of that moment.
Example Report

Guidelines for Use
This report can be printed, but cannot be resorted. Working through each item on the list, v
erify that this item is still in repair, if a patron has been billed for replacement, of if the item is on the shelf. If the patron has been billed for replacement, follow the DeleteItems procedure. If the item is on the shelf, update the copy status to Available.
Manipulating the report
If you want to sort this data, the same records are also listed in the
Reports List Items By Copy Status, which is available in spreadsheet format.