User Buckets
User Buckets allow staff to make
batch modifiations to patron records for selected record elements:
Batch modifications can be reveresed, except changes to statistical categories
Buckets can also be used
to save a list of patrons for individual management (full access to patron record).
Create new user bucket
From User Buckets > Buckets View
- Click Buckets > New Bucket
- Enter Name and Description
- Check to Share
- Click Create Bucket
From Patron Search
- Search for records
- Select records to move to a bucket
- Click Add to Bucket > New Bucket
- Create the bucket
- Selected records are automatically added to the new bucket
Add records to bucket
From Patron Search
- Search for records
- Select records to move to bucket
- Click Add to Bucket
- Select a Bucket, or create a new bucket
- When the records have been saved to the bucket, a confirmation message will appear in the lower right corner of the screen; the list will not change
From User Buckets
- Click Pending Users tab
- Scan or enter barcodes OR Choose File to upload
- Records will appear in the pending users list
- Select records to save to a bucket
- Click Buckets > Select the bucket name
- Click Actions button > Move to Bucket
- Records disappear from the pending list
- Click Bucket View to edit the records
Bucket Options and Actions
Delete all users - No permissions for library staff
Batch edit all users
View batch edits
Roll back batch edit
Batch modify statistical categories
Actions > Individually Edit Selected User
Opens the patron record Edit view in new separate tab.
Actions > Remove Selected Users from Bucket
Removes the record from the bucket.