You are here: Evergreen » Patrons User Buckets

User Buckets



User Buckets allow staff to make batch modifiations to patron records for selected record elements: Batch modifications can be reveresed, except changes to statistical categories

Buckets can also be used to save a list of patrons for individual management (full access to patron record).

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Create new user bucket

From User Buckets > Buckets View

  1. Click Buckets > New Bucket
  2. Enter Name and Description
  3. Check to Share
  4. Click Create Bucket

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WebClient UserBuckets NewBucketDetails.jpg
  1. Search for records
  2. Select records to move to a bucket
  3. Click Add to Bucket > New Bucket
  4. Create the bucket
    • Selected records are automatically added to the new bucket

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Add records to bucket

From Patron Search

  1. Search for records
  2. Select records to move to bucket
  3. Click Add to Bucket
  4. Select a Bucket, or create a new bucket
    • When the records have been saved to the bucket, a confirmation message will appear in the lower right corner of the screen; the list will not change

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From User Buckets

  1. Click Pending Users tab
  2. Scan or enter barcodes OR Choose File to upload
  3. Records will appear in the pending users list
  4. Select records to save to a bucket
  5. Click Buckets > Select the bucket name
  6. Click Actions button > Move to Bucket
    • Records disappear from the pending list
    • Click Bucket View to edit the records

Bucket Options and Actions

Delete all users - No permissions for library staff

Batch edit all users

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View batch edits

WebClient UserBuckets ViewBatchChanges.jpg

Roll back batch edit

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Batch modify statistical categories

WebClient UserBuckets EditStatCats.jpg

Actions > Individually Edit Selected User

Opens the patron record Edit view in new separate tab.

Actions > Remove Selected Users from Bucket

Removes the record from the bucket.
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