Patron Statistical Categories


Statistical information about OWWL patrons is recorded in the patron record. These fields do not relate to circulation or borrowing privileges, they only supply information useful for reports and analysis.
  • Most of these statistical categories are used system-wide
  • They are required for every patron, although they do not need to be filled out immediately when registering a new patron
  • Some libraries use special categories, unique to their situations
  • Select values from the list of valid options


Patron type

Used by all libraries to denote special patron groups, for outreach, statistical analysis and other purposes
  • Administration
  • Adult Patron - Use for adult age patrons
  • Agency - Use for accounts created for a single agency, used by differnt representatives, see also: Patrons Agency User Records
  • Child Patron - Use for child age patrons
  • FixMe - Used ONLY for records migrated from WorkFlows with errors - Do NOT apply
  • Homebound - Use to denote those patrons who have libraries materials delivered to them
  • Homeschool - Use for patrons engaged in homeschooling
  • Not Applicable - Use if none of the other descriptions apply to the patron
  • School
  • Teen Patron - Use for teenage patrons
Select the appropriate value from the drop down list:
PatronStatCat PatronType.png

If a patron should change a Patron Type, such as a Teen Patron becomes an Adult Patron, the patron record must be manually edited to reflect this change.

Originally registered at

Denotes the library where the patron was first registered. This library may be contacted by other libraries regarding questions about the patron, or to provide proof of signature, etc.

Select the appropriate value from the drop down list:
PatronStatCat RegOnFileAt.png


Denotes the city, town, or village to which the patron pays taxes. Codes are selected based on the patron's address. Each library should have a local-area cheat sheet for commonly used codes. Special patron types - Correctional Facilities (CF), Inter-library Loan (ILL), and Out of System (OOS) - are also represented in this list.

Select the appropriate code from the drop down list
PatronStatCat Residency.png

School Code

Denotes the school district to which the patron pays taxes.

Select the appropriate code from the drop down list
PatronStatCat SchoolCode.png

Library specific categories

These categories are ONLY visible for the specific libraries using them.


Used by libraries with heavy student populations
  • Geneva Public Library - Hobart and William Smith (HWS)
  • Wadsworth Memorial Library (Geneseo) - SUMY Geneseo

Select the appropriate value from the drop down list
PatronStatCat College.png

ATT Membership and GPL Membership

Used to indicate Out Of System patrons who are required to pay an annual fee for library use privileges; this is visible ONLY to GPL and ATT library workstations. Select the appropriate value from the drop down list:
PatronStatCat AttMembership.png

Wood Membership

Wood Library (Canandaigua) will have a custom "Wood Membership" category to denote patrons who get special library privileges based on monetary donations. This field will be visible ONLY to Wood Library workstation.

Select the appropriate value from the drop down list:
PatronStatCat WoodMembership.png

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