Patrons Other
Display Alert and Messages
Create or manage patron notes.
Triggered Events / Notifications
Not currently configured for OWWL libraries staff.
Message Center
Displays status of patron visible notes, including the date the note was read, and if the note has been deleted.
Statistical Categories
Displays patron statistical categories applied to the patron record, such as Residency, School Code, etc., without opening the patron Edit page.
Not configured for OWWL libraries.
Groups Member Details
Allows staff to access and manage grouped patron records. Patron record groups are created as a byproduct of clonging a record, or to manually identify a link between multiple people's records. For mroe information see:
Patrons Grouped Records
User Permission Editor
Library staff do not have access to user permissions.
Test Password
This allows staff to enter a patron's password to verify if it works or not.
Acquisition Patron Requests
The Acquisitions module is not implemented for OWWL libraries.
Booking: Create or Cancel Reservations
The Bookings module is not implemented for OWWL libraries.
Booking: Pick Up Reservations
The Bookings module is not implemented for OWWL libraries.
Booking: Return Reservations
The Bookings module is not implemented for OWWL libraries.
Completely Purge Account
Library staff cannot delete patron accounts. Patron accounts are automatically made inactive after being expired for three years. After three years inactive, the records are automatically deleted from the database.

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