Patron Groups


Patron Groups can be created to link related patron accounts together for easier management of those accounts. A typical use case for patron groups would be a family, where parents want to keep track of overdues or fines out on their childrens' cards. Use of patron groups is at the discretion of each library.

Most existing patron groups were automatically created as a result of cloning a record to create additional new records.

Group Member Details

Patron Groups are managed from within any of the group members' accounts.

  1. Retrieve a patron account
  2. Click Other
  3. Select Group Member Details
  4. All group members will display in a list, with limited data columns
  5. Select a group member to activate the Actions menu

PatronGroups GroupMemberDetails.png

Move Another Patron to the Group

This requires having a barcode to scan, paste, or type.

  1. Select any record in the group
  2. Click Actions
  3. Select Move Another Patron to the Group
  4. Enter the patron barcode
    PatronGroups MovePatron Barcode.png
  5. Click OK
  6. Click Move User
    PatronGroups MovePatron Confirm.png
  7. Record will appear in the list

Group Fines

Group fines are indicated in the patron's summary information panel, and reflect the combined fines owed by all members of the group. This is informational only. Group Fines in excess of the $5.00 limit do NOT block group members. The only group members who would be blocked are those whose individual fines exceed $5.00.

To view Group Members' individual fine amounts, view the Group Member Details.
PatronGroups GroupFines.png

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