OPAC: Title Details
Evergreen v.2.2
Title Details displays an item's bibliographic information, lists all libraries' copies, copy statuses; patron features including place hold and "Add to my list"; additional content generated by NoveList relating to summaries, series, and more.
Patron Options
- Place Hold
- Add to my list
- Print - formats basic title information for printing
- Email - sends basic title information to the patron's email address, if the patron has an email address on file
Example Print and Email formatting:
- Click "Text" to Text Call Number information
- Click "Next 10>>" or "<<Previous 10" to move to the next page of copies
- Click "Show more copies" to display 50 copies in the list
- Click "Show fewer copies" to return to the 10 copy list
- Click the Subject terms to initiate a new subject search for records using those terms
- NOTE: many records for fiction titles, particularly older records, do not have subject or genre terms so results may not include relevant titles; try using the same, or similar terms, as a keyword search
Summaries & More
- The amount if information included here will vary depending on the specific title
Reviews, Series, & Suggested Reads
- The amount amd type of information available here will vary according to the specific title
- Children's materials in particular include different types of information, such as Lexile Level and educational materials
The "Patron Reviews" section displays OWWL Libraries' patron reviews, created using the Chilifresh service. These are the same reviews that appear in the Search Results lists.
The "Reader Ratings and Reviews" section provides reviews created using the www.Goodreads.com service. Click the "(#### reviews)" link to open Goodreads member reviews in a popup window. If a patron has a Goodreads account, or would like to create one (this account is NOT affiliated with an OWWL library account), the popup includes links to do so.
Books in this Series
All books in the series are displayed in series order. When the title is blue, this indicates that an OWWL library owns the title. Click the title to search for that title record. When the title is black, this indicates that the title is NOT owned by any OWWL library.
You Might Also Like These…
This section includes links to related series, titles, and authors. Like the Series information, click on titles and names in blue to launch a new search.
The "Why did we recommend this?" link opens a tooltip message, explaining appeal terms and points of similarity between the current title and the recommendation.
Opens Google Book Preview, if available
Shelf Browser
The Shelf Browse feature displays items in alphabetical Call Number order that would be found before and after the current title on a library shelf
If the original search was conducted of the entire OWWL catalog, the shelf browser will return matching call numbers for ALL libraries
If the original search was limited to a single library, only that library's call numbers will display
- Click the title or author to launch a new search
MARC Record
View an items full MARC Record. This includes more information than is displayed in the Record Summary display; for example, narrators of audiobooks are in the MARC record, but not the bibliographic summary.