Library Advocacy 2023

2023 In-District Meeting Schedule

Visit the Assembly and Senate Representatives to check your representatives.
Legislator Meeting Date Location and Registration LinkSorted ascending
Assemblyman Jeff Gallahan
131st District
Monday, December 19, 2022 at 10 AM OWWLHQ 2557 State Route 21
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Register for In-Person
Senator George Borrello
57th District
Monday, December 19, 2022 at 2 PM Register for Online
Assemblyman David DiPietro
147th District
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 10 AM Register for Online
Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes
133rd District
UPDATED: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 1 PM Register for Online
Senator Pamela Helming
54th District
UPDATED: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 9:30 AM Register for Online

In-District Visit Resources

Advocacy Day - February 28, 2023

On February 28, 2023, #LibraryAdvocates across the state will join together virtually for NYLA's Annual Library Advocacy Day. We cannot wait to join together to advocate for funding and policies that benefit and strengthen our libraries.

NYLA's Advocacy Day Page

Funding Initiatives

NYS Library Operating Aid: $147.1M

Increased aid is needed to support the foundational framework of New York State libraries, improving the lives of residents of all ages, abilities, and economic statuses.

Adequate funding is needed to support school, public, and academic libraries and library systems.

NYS Library Construction Aid: $69.4M

Increased investment is needed to maintain and develop the physical infrastructure of New York State’s libraries, to ensure a safe, accessible, and sustainable environment for the future.

The New York State Library estimates the deferred maintenance need at over $1.5B.

Over half of New York’s libraries are over 60 years old.

Investments allow libraries to invest in energy efficiency and support the local construction industry.

Policy Initiatives

Municipal Ballot Petition Reduction

This bill would align the petition signature requirement for libraries using a municipal ballot approach with the 25-signature requirement in place for libraries using a school district ballot approach for their budget proposals.

Elimination of Library Construction Cap

Libraries serving economically distressed communities may be eligible for Library Construction Aid awards beyond 75.00%. However, the law currently only allows public library systems to award 50% of their total allocation to such projects.

This proposal would eliminate the 50% cap to ensure that libraries serving economically distressed communities and libraries in rural regions will be able to make use of the library construction aid intended to benefit these communities.

Association Library Retirement Opt-In Option

This bill would allow association libraries that meet certain criteria the ability to join the New York State Retirement System upon approval of their board.

Access to Publicly Funded Research

This bill would ensure original research that results from state funding would be available, free of charge, to the public.

Check Out New York

This bill would provide one pass per public library to every state park, historic site, and recreational facility operated by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

NYLA Resources
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