Director Briefing - July 22, 2024

Budget Kit Now Available

The 2023-2024 Budget Planning Kit is now available. This is a great resource for planning, decision-making, and advocating for your library - and yourself - by comparison to others in our System.

Let Kelly or me know if you have any questions or if there is specific information not included that you would find helpful.

2023-2024 Budget Kit Consolidated.pdf

Employee Handbook Usage Survey

The survey below checks the usage of the Employee Handbook template we paid for from HR Works in 2022. For more information on this, see the Employee Handbook Template page on OWWL Docs .

If the form does not appear for you above, please visit

Library Tour Update from Piety

The OWWL Library Tour is on target to hit the road in 2025! We've been strategizing here at the System and meeting with Directors to come up with the best possible Library Tour for member library staff and patrons. This System-wide program is intended to encourage patrons (and staff, if interested) to visit as many of our member libraries as they can from January to December 2025. There will be prize bundles for completing each county, and a big prize for visiting all 42. Stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and much more!

If you have any ideas or questions about the 2025 OWWL Library Tour, please email me (Piety) at

DEI Toolkit from the Division of Library Development

There is now a DEI Toolkit from the Division of Library Development. This is a great resource for all to look through and adopt practices from.

The New York State Office of Cultural Education Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Toolkit provides practical guidance for and applications of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, antiracism, and justice for New York’s museums, libraries, archives, historical and genealogical societies, and cultural heritage sites.

Access the DEI Toolkit here.

Oath of Office Reminder

DLD sent out a reminder this month that pursuant to New York State Public Officer's Law §10, all public library Trustees must take and file an Oath of Office within 30 days of the start of their term. If an oath isn't properly taken and filed on time, the Trustee's position is considered vacated (per NYS Public Officer's Law §30(1)(h)). This applies to new Trustees as well as to incumbent Trustees beginning a consecutive term.

If a Trustee started a term on July 1, 2024, their oath of office must be filed before next Tuesday, or they will no longer be on your Board.

Please let me know if you have any concerns about oaths of office. There are various ways to correct issues if they come up.

While oaths of office are not required for Trustees of association libraries, it is a good practice to take and file them regardless as a public demonstration of accountability and transparency.


Apply Now: OWWL Libraries Inclusive Collections Aid

Member libraries are encouraged to apply for supplemental funds to purchase circulating materials that increase borrowing access and foster inclusive collections.

Examples of qualifying materials:
  • Reading materials in non-standard formats such as Large Print and Braille.
  • Audio-supported materials such as Vox Books and Wonder Books.
  • Materials created by and representative of marginalized and underrepresented groups. Marginalized refers to people who experience social, economic, and/or political exclusion or discrimination based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, or religion.
  • Materials in languages used in the community that the library serves and/or bilingual materials.
  • Other materials in formats that meet the needs of users with disabilities.

Up to $3,000 will be disbursed to libraries. Please click here for more information . The application is now open; the deadline to submit is Friday, August 30.

AAC Partnership Program Expansion

Last week we formally rolled out the AAC Partnership Program, and the response from our library communities has been overwhelmingly positive--particularly from parents, caregivers, and teachers of children who use AAC tools/devices. (Augmentative and Alternative Communication tools provide a means to communicate besides talking [verbal speech] with library patrons who are unable to speak or are difficult to understand.)

We would like to offer the opportunity to more libraries to add this service to their library. Each additional partner library will receive a symbol-based Communication Board from Talk To Me Technologies and appropriate training resources. For more information, please visit:

If you are interested, please email Suzanne at by Wednesday, July 24.

Reminder: Windows 10 End of Support in October 2025

Windows 10 is reaching its End of Support in October 2025. If your library has any of the below desktop models, they must be replaced by November 2025.
  • Any HP EliteDesk
  • Dell Optiplex 3010
  • Dell Optiplex 3020
  • Dell Optiplex 7050
For information on Mediated Computer Purchasing, see our updated OWWL Docs page.

For any questions, open a ticket by emailing

HBR: Tip of the Week

Are You Afraid of Becoming Obsolete?

Professionals across the career spectrum have moments where they fear they’re becoming obsolete. Different from the occasional bout of self-doubt, this fear can make you fundamentally question your professional significance. Here’s how to reclaim your agency and stay relevant—no matter where you are in your career journey.

Assess your unique talents. Take an honest inventory of your skills. Seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to identify what makes you valuable. Recognize and build on these strengths—and stay open to developing new ones.

Focus on abilities that technology can’t replace. Human traits like empathy, curiosity, resilience, and leadership will always be in demand and will equip you to adapt to future roles.

Honor the past, focus on the future. Celebrate your past achievements, but don’t dwell on them. Nostalgia won’t secure future opportunities; your ability to adapt and innovate will. So pack away your “trophies” and look forward.

Bridge generational gaps. If you’re senior in your career, share your knowledge and mentor others. Collaboration across generations enriches both your legacy and future potential, keeping everyone’s skills sharp.

Seek new challenges. Think of uncertainty as a chance to grow. Step out of your comfort zone and volunteer to take on new projects. This demonstrates your willingness to learn and adapt and reinforces your relevance.

This tip is adapted from “Face Your Fear of Becoming Obsolete,” by Ron Carucci.
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