New Users Report
The New Users report provides counts of new user registrations, user statistics, and use records that include bad data to be fixed. The report is delivered via the staff client as an Excel file, and is composed of four individual tabs: New Users, New Users Detail, All users, Bad users Detail.
This report is primarily important for statistical analysis of users, particularly for information relating to tax supporting users and funding issues.
Report Data
New Users tab
Provides counts new patron records created by your library (
HomeLibrary equals your library), broken out by statistical categories:
Data displays total users and %Overall registered patrons.
New Users Details tab
Lists details for new patron records created, including:
All Users tabs
Provides counts of all of all patron records by your library (
HomeLibrary equals your library), broken out by statistical categories:
Data displays total users and %Overall
Bad Users tab
Cumulative list all patron records that have data missing, or data entered with formatting errors:
- Create Date - Year-month-date and time the account was created
- User ID - Internal database ID for the record
- Card # - PatronBarcode
- First name
- Last Name
- Patron Type
- Residency
- School Code
- SMS Number - Should be 10 digits. No hyphens.

If data is missing in the Bad Users list, update the record as soon as possible; the record will continue to appear in this list until it is corrected.

If a
Residency Code or
School Code was manually entered with a typographical error or in a non-standard format (for example, "T037 - Town of Genesee" = standard format, "Genesee" is not standard, "TO37- Town of Genesee" includes typos) the record will appear in this list. The record may
appear to be correct, but is not!
Schedule and Access
The report is generated monthly and is available through the
Reports Browse Reports function.
- From a new tab, click Reports Browse Reports
- Click Browse Scheduled Report Output
- Select your library
- Select Custom PLS Reports
- Select Monthly New Users
- The report will open in Excel
Example Report
Guidelines for Usage
Use this report to track the total number of new patron records created, and the towns and school districts where the patrons pay taxes, for reporting to your board, etc.