Override Renewal Failure
Most items can be renewed up to 2 times. In certain situations, however, items CANNOT be renewed, even if the check out has
RemainingRenewals left.
Renewal Failure causes:
- Item renewal limit
- Item has hold requests
- Item has been marked lost
- Item has been marked claims returned
- Patron exceeds fine threshold
- Patron exceeds overdue threshold
- Patron account is expired
- Patron account in inactive
- Patron account is barred
If multiple renewal failure reasons apply to the same renewal item, ALL reasons will appear in the same alert popup, although there is only one force action button.
Renewal Failure alerts and actions
If an item has already been renewed the number of renewals allowed according to the item circ rulethis alert will display:

The item cannot be renewed because other patrons have pending hold requests:
Do NOT force renewals on copies needed for holds!
This is not a "renewal failure override" but is an error message indicated that the attempted action did not occur because the system cannot process the requested transaction. This error displays for both
MarkItemLost and
MarkItemClaimsReturned items.

The item cannot be renewed because fines totalling $5.00 or greater have blocked all circulation transactions for the account:

If you are renewing
overdue items so that the patron can pay all associated fines and clear her account:
- You can pay PayBills for items that are still checked out and then renew the items
- You can force the renewal even though blocked and then pay the fines (each renewal will require an override)

Do NOT force the renewal when the patron has major fines, lost item fines, or the materials belong to another library
The item cannot be renewed because the patron has 5 items or more overdue which have blocked all circulation transactions for her account.

If you are renewing the overdue items to that the patron can pay associated fines and clear her account:

Do NOT force the renewal if the items have also reached the renewal limit

Patron is inactive Unhandled ("skull and crossbones") Error