Hold Fulfillment Process


Holds are filled using a complex matrix of factors including: potential copies, item status, patron status, the checkin library, the pickup library, the request date, the hold status, and more. Changes in any of these factors can change when a hold is filled.

In the broadest terms, the system attempts to match (target) hold requests to copies available at the pickup library, it fills holds opportunistically (which means that an available copy may be targeted at one library, but the hold is ultimately captured for/filled by a copy checked in at the pickup library), and - after other factors - fills holds based on the date and time they were placed.

Holds Targeting

When a hold request is placed, the hold targeter will scan the system looking for all potential copies that can fill the hold. The hold targeter will re-scan every 24-hours based on the hold request date and time and update potential copies, item status, patron status, and other edits made to the hold.

If a copy that can fill the hold is Available or Reshelving, that item will be targeted to fill the hold, and the hold will appear on the owning library's Pull List. When viewed in Evergreen, the hold status will be "Waiting for Capture."

If no copies that can fill the hold are available, no copies are targeted, the hold will display in Evergreen with the hold status "Waiting for Copy."

Holds Capture

When a targeted copy is scanned in Circulation: Check In- from processing the Pull List, discharging from a patron account, processing from delivery, etc. - the targeted copy is captured for the hold.

Depending on the checkin library and the pickup library, the item may then go directly to another status, such as In-transit or Ready for Pickup.

At this point, another copy will not be targeted.

Pickup Library and Holds

In general, holds are captured based on pickup library.

When an item is returned to a library, the item will be captured to fill the oldest hold to be picked up at that location - regardless of the item's owning library or other older holds to be picked up elsewhere. The general principle behind this is to limit transits. So long as that item continues to be returned to the same library, it will continue to fill that library's holds. This does not prevent other items from also filling holds at that location.

Item Attributes and Holds

The item's status and shelving location both impact whether or not an item is holdable. Nonholdable statuses include damaged, missing, and lost. Nonholdable shelving locations include Reference, Local History, Office. Holds cannot be placed on items that are nonholdable.

If an item's status or shelving location changes to a holdable status or location, the targeter will update relevant hold records.

If a specific copy is changed from a holdable to a nonholdable status - such as Damaged - any captured holds will automatically and immediately transfer to another copy.

Age-based Hold Protection

When items are under Age-based hold protection, only holds that will be picked up at the item's owning library will be filled.
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