Item Attributes Grid
Item attributes are the data fields that form the item record. They determine the specific item's shelving location, circulation, and fines, and are used for statistical reports. Item Attributes are applied or edited in the Holdings Editor.
Default new item attributes
When new holdings are added, the item attributes grid has basic elements selected as default. These defaults include:
- Circulate? = Yes
- Status = In Process
- Circulating Library = [your library]
- Reference? = No
- Shelving Location = Stacks (OWWL)
- OPAC Visible? = Yes
- Price = 0
- Loan Duration = Normal
- Holdable? = Yes
- Deposit? = No
- deposit Amount = 0
- Quality = Good
Apply or change attributes
To apply or change an attribute, click a radio button, select a list option, or open a pop-up box depending on the field. Applied attributes
have a green back ground.
Attributes for correct circulation and fines
The follow attributes are critical to ensuring correct circulation:
- Circulate? - does the item circulate or not?
- Reference? - is the item reference (non-circulating?) -
this will override the Circulate? attribute
- Shelving Location - some shelving locations have their own circulation implications, such as Local History or Office -
these location settings override Circulate? and Holdable? attributes
- Circulation Modifier - the foundation of circulation rules, particularly Video items; with no circulation modifier the item will circulate for 3 weeks with 2 renewals
- Loan Duration - there are three duration options: Short, Normal, and Long; the actual time period, such as 1 week (short), 3 weeks (normal), 6 weeks (long), are defined in the library's circulation rules
- Fine Level - there are three fine options: Low, Normal, High; the actual fine amounts, such as $0.10 (short), $0.20 (normal), $1.00 (high), are defined in the library's circulation rules
To view your library's circulation rules, see: Reports Circ Matrix
Attributes NOT USED
The following attributes are not used by PLS to mange circulation, fines, or statistics. These fields can be ignored.
- Acquisitions Cost
- Circulate as Type
- Deposit?
- Deposit Amount
- Quality
- Floating
Statistical Categories
These fields are used to count statistics for the NYS Annual Report and the field values map to Annual Report questions. All categories listed in
bold type are currently required in order to save a copy record.
- Age Level - describes the intended audience of the item
- Annual Report Category - describes the type of material
- Collection Development
- Electronic File Format
- Fiction/Nonfiction
- Genre
- Physical Format
Item Attribute Templates
Holdings staff can set up templates so that multiple attributes can be applied in one step. This can save time when adding new holdings. Templates are created and managed using the
Holdings Template Editor.
Item Notes
Item notes can be public, which display in the public online catalog and the staff catalog view, or a staff note which only displays to staff.
Item notes are not searchable, but do display in Shelf List reports.
Item Alerts
Item Alerts are notes that trigger a library-written notice on checkout or checkin, such as "Check for discs".
Item tags are brief descriptive terms that can be used to group copies together for the purpose of searchability. Search for tags in the catalog using the "Digital Bookplates" search type from the dropdown menu in the query builder.