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Add Holdings


About Holdings Records

Catalog records are made up of three parts:
  1. Title, or Bibliographic, record, which includes the title, author, publication date, and other elements describing the work
  2. Volume record, which contains the owning library and call number
  3. Item record, which deals with the physical, circulating item
When adding copies to the catalog, staff must first look for the title record. If no record is available in the catalog, a new record can be requested. Volume and item records are typically created in the same process. Additional items may be added to an existing volume record at a later date. Additional volume/item records can be created if a library owns multiple copies of the same item that are shelved in different locations. There is usually no need to create a volume record without also creating a item record.

Consult the Holdings Maintenance Guidelines for a quick reference: pdf 2024 holdings guidelines_brochure.pdf

Search the Catalog for Title Record

Searching the catalog for holdings purposes is different than reference searching. Holdings maintenance staff are looking for title records containing details that match items in hand. Key match points include:
  • Format - regular print vs. large print, DVD vs. Blu-Ray, etc.
  • Title
  • Author, illustrator
  • Edition, added content

This data is a small subset of the title record data. The full record data is encoded in Machine Readable Catalog Record (MARC) format. Reviewing the MARC record, available by clicking the (MARC) link in the Record Summary, can help select the correct record for your item.

Review the information about Close Enough Records for more detail on what data must match, and what is close enough. Review the information about MARC Records for more detail on how title data is coded in the catalog record.

OWWL strongly recommends using a keyword search of a title keyword and author name. This will typically return a set of relevant titles to review. Searching by scanning an ISBN or UPC may be easy, but will often miss valid, matching, or close enough records. ISBNs will vary by distributor (often for audiobooks and children's materials), some records may have only a 10-digit ISBN where the item scanned has a 13-digit ISBN, etc.

Add Holdings

  1. From your catalog search results, select the title record that matches your item
  2. In the Record Summary, click Add Holdings
    AddHoldings AddHoldings 332.png
    • The Holdings Editor opens in a new tab
  3. In the Volume Edit area enter the Call Number and barcode
    AddHoldings VolumeEdit.png
  4. In the Working Items area enter Item Attributes
    AddHoldings WorkingItemsEdit.png
    • Select and Apply an item record template
    • Or manually enter the item attributes
  5. Click Save & Exit
    • The Holdings Editor tab closes
    • Refresh the Catalog tab / title record page to view the new copy

Holdings can be added from the Catalog > OPAC View, Catalog > Holdings View, and Item Status. The steps are all the same.

Add Item Notes

Item notes can be added to a record when creating a new item record, or later to an existing item.
  1. Within the Holdings Editor > Working Items area click Copy Notes
    HoldingsEdit AddCopyNote 332.png
  2. In the New Copy Note dialog enter:
    CopyNotes NewItemNote.png
    • Note title
    • Note text
    • Check Public Note to have the note visible in the public catalog, otherwise, the note will only be visible to staff
  3. Click OK
  4. Click Save and Exit

Return to the OPAC View and refresh the list to see the note:
CopyNote Public OpacView.png

Add Item Alerts

  1. In the Working Item attributes grid, click Item Alerts
  2. In the New Item Alert dialog enter
    ItemAlert NewAlert.png
    • Type - required - select from list - for circulating items select "Normal Checkout",
      • if you want an alert at both checkout and check in two alerts must be added: Normal Checkout and Normal Checkin
    • Temporary - optional
    • Alert… - required - text of the alert to display

Item Alerts can also be added from Actions menus in Holdings View, Item Status, Checkout, Renew, and Checkin.

Manage alerts

Alerts can be edited or cleared from the Item Status or Holdings View lists, by clicking the "Manage" button. Only item records with alerts will have a clickable Manage button.
ManageItemAlerts ItemStatus.png

Add Item Tags

Item tags allow staff to apply a text label or tag to copies. They display similarly to copy notes, but are searchable.

  1. Within the Holdings Editor > Working Items area, click Item Tags
  2. In the Manage Item Tags dialog
    1. Tag type will always be Digital Bookplate
    2. Enter the tag label
    3. Click Add Tag, the entered tag will appear above the text boxes
    4. Enter additional tags if needed
    5. Click OK
  3. Click Save and Exit

Return to the OPAC View and refresh the list to see the tag:

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