Monday Briefing - November 29, 2021
Hochul Declaring a Disaster Emergency in New York
Seemingly due to the rise in COVID cases and the threat of the newly discovered
Omicron variant, Governor Hochul has updated the
Disaster Emergency status of New York State. This order expires on January 15, 2022 along with some other Executive Orders. I imagine at that point we'll see updated orders or more information on how NYS intends on moving forward. I'll keep you all posted with the relevant info that I come across.
Last Chance: 2021 System Satisfaction Survey
I know I ask you to complete a lot of forms, so I appreciate the libraries listed below for taking the time to fill out the 2021 System Satisfaction Survey.
Thank you, Arcade Free Library, Bloomfield Public Library, Bristol Library, Caledonia Library Association, Clifton Springs Library, Cordelia A. Greene Library, Gorham Free Library, Honeoye Public Library, Livonia Public Library, Lyons Public Library, Macedon Public Library, Marion Public Library, Mount Morris Library, Newark Public Library, Ontario Public Library, Palmyra Community Library, Perry Public Library, Stevens Memorial Community Library, Victor Farmington Library, Wadsworth Library, Walworth-Seely Public Library, Williamson Free Public Library, Wolcott Civic Free Library, Wood Library Association
If you haven't had an opportunity to complete the survey yet, it would be fantastic if you could by the end of today. Thank you!
Click here to complete the 2021 System Satisfaction Survey
"First Amendment Audits" and Recording Policy
Last week Stephanie Cole Adams, Esq. drafted a "'
First Amendment Audit' Public Library Response Policy" for us. Libraries can adapt and adopt this to help handle situations related to public recording and "First Amendment Audits." The policy covers recording in the library, a simple outline on how to handle conversations with "First Amendment Auditors," and notes from Cole herself.
For more information on these audits, ALA published an article in August 2021 -
The Beginner's Guide to Being a Woman in Charge
Suzanne's NYLA presentation has been posted to YouTube. Watch it here -
OverDrive Magazines
OverDrive Magazines are up and running on OWWL2Go. They are featured at the top of, so patrons should have no trouble spotting them. A big user experience upgrade from earlier renditions of OverDrive magazines is the article view button when opening a magazine. It makes reading individual articles much easier on smaller screens.

Division of Library Development Survey
Dear Library Stakeholders,
The State Library is in the process of evaluating its progress toward achieving the goals described in the New York State Library’s Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Five-Year Plan (2017-2022).
Our external evaluator (Policy Strategy Consultants, LLC) developed a survey for the field, which is one of several data sources that will be used within the evaluation. Your feedback is critical and will be used as part of the evaluation and also to inform the development of the next Five-Year Plan.
Please consider completing this 5-7 minute Survey of New York State Libraries and Library Systems, which you can access at the link below. Your prompt response is especially helpful to our efforts.
Public Library Association Survey
PLA is conducting a Public Library Staff and Diversity Survey. The results will help the field better understand staff roles, hiring and retention practices, and equity, diversity, and inclusion work.
Click here to get started. The deadline is Friday, December 10, 2021.
Holiday Schedule Considerations
Earlier last week there was a discussion on d-all about 2022 Holiday Schedules, with specific questions about Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Juneteenth. Another day to consider when drafting your calendar is Columbus Day. Whether your library is open or closed that day, now may be the time to start calling it Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Here are a few articles to help you evaluate making the change, especially as President Biden and Governors Hochul both signed proclamations recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day this past October:
You may also find the resources compiled on
OWWL Docs after our Field Trip to Ganondagan helpful.
Thank Your Colleagues in a Meaningful Way from HBR
We all want to be appreciated. And now is as good a time as any to express your gratitude to your colleagues. To write a meaningful thank you note, follow a few simple rules. Share the context for your message. You might say, "I was reflecting on our last project over the weekend, and I realized I never said thank you," or "We’ve been so busy lately that I realized I haven’t taken the time to tell you how much I value your work." Then, share what you genuinely appreciate and why. Make clear how their actions have impacted your experience at work. It may be as simple as bringing a smile to your face on a tough day or as big as supporting you through a difficult period. Be as specific as possible. In doing so, you’ll help the other person understand exactly why you feel the way you do. This tip is adapted from “How to Write a Meaningful Thank-You Note,” by Christopher Littlefield
In light of this management tip, I wanted to send a heartfelt thank you to all of you. This has been another interesting year, but we made it through together. As we move into 2022, keep letting me know what you need and I'll keep bringing things to you. With any luck we'll see more positive changes throughout the next year. Have a happy holiday season.