Monday (Tuesday) Briefing - August 23, 2021

Advocacy Updates

Open Meetings Law

As a follow-up to last week's email, I have drafted a letter and submitted it to the Senate Committee on Libraries and the Assembly's Committee on Libraries and Education Technology. While the bill is not currently in either of these committees, it will be good for them to know our stance on OML if it should come up. I will also be reaching out to the Governmental Operations Committee which is where the bill is now.

From our legislators, I have heard back from Senator Helming and Assemblywoman Byrnes saying that they will support this bill when it comes up for a vote.

Advocacy Page on Docs

The Advocacy page on OWWL Docs has been updated with all of the current legislative actions that we're keeping an eye on -

I will continue to update you on FY 2022 advocacy activities.

Minimum Standards for Libraries and Variance Requests

As a reminder, the updated Minimum Standards for Public and Association Libraries took effect on January 1, 2021. As part of the FY 2022 Annual Report, libraries will need to confirm that your library is up to date with all standards. If your library is out of compliance because of "a circumstance outside of your control," a variance will need to be requested. All variances must be submitted to Pioneer Library System by November 1, 2021.

Please review the updated Minimum Standards for Libraries to make sure you are in compliance.

Plan of Service 2022-2026

I will be presenting our Plan of Service 2022-2026, Central Library Plan of Service, and Free Direct Access Plan for approval at the September PLSDAC meeting and System Board meeting. These are due to DLD in early October, let me know if you have any comments before PLSDAC.

Also, thank you to everyone who provided input as these documents were drafted.

Trustee Newsletter

My plan is to send the Trustee Newsletter out later this week. So far, these are the items that will be included.
  • Minimum Standards for Libraries
  • Annual Meeting and System Trustee Elections
  • Funding Continuing Education
  • Upcoming Trustee Workshops
  • Trustee Book Club
  • Wyoming County Trustee for System Board
If you have a topic that you would like included, please let me know.
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