Director Briefing - March 17, 2025

Resolution on Supporting Competitive Compensation for Library Directors

At the System Board Meeting, the Resolution on Supporting Competitive Compensation for Library Directors was approved. This Resolution, like our others, is neither directive nor obligation, but instead is a recommendation and statement of System support on certain topics pertinent to our member libraries and their boards.

The Resolution reads:

Resolution on Supporting Competitive Compensation for Library Directors

WHEREAS, the Library Director serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the library, responsible for overseeing operations, managing personnel, and setting strategic direction in line with community needs;

WHEREAS, the New York State Library Minimum Standards, as outlined in Commissioner’s Regulations Section 90.2, require libraries to employ a paid director, and Commissioner’s Regulations Section 90.8 mandates that the director meet specific qualifications and responsibilities. Therefore, it is essential that the library provide compensation that reflects these qualifications and responsibilities;

WHEREAS, the director’s duties are critical to the library’s success, including planning, implementing, and evaluating services, managing resources, and ensuring high-quality public service to residents;

WHEREAS, a library director’s role is similar to that of other executive leadership positions and warrants a comparable salary and benefits package, including a minimum of health insurance, retirement, and paid leave;

WHEREAS, library directors should be compensated competitively to attract and retain qualified candidates, ideally at or above the New York State Exempt Salary level, or the equivalent for part-time directors;

WHEREAS, the OWWL Library System Board of Trustees recognizes the need for competitive compensation to maintain a strong staff. While the New York State Exempt Salary threshold serves as a useful benchmark, the Board understands that smaller libraries with limited resources may face challenges in meeting this level. In such cases, the Board encourages member libraries to offer a salary commensurate with the director’s qualifications, responsibilities, and the library’s financial capacity. The Board also stresses the importance of securing sustainable funding to support competitive salaries and the long-term success of libraries;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the OWWL Library System Board of Trustees endorses compensation for Library Directors at or above the New York State Exempt Salary level, or the equivalent for part-time directors, to reflect their professional responsibilities, education, and experience;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Library Directors employed by member libraries should be offered benefits consistent with the significance of their roles, including health insurance, sick leave, paid vacation, retirement benefits, and other appropriate supplemental benefits;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the OWWL Library System Board strongly encourages member libraries to evaluate their compensation packages for Library Directors to ensure they meet the needs of the position and support the long-term leadership and success of the library.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have any questions on this.

Swank Movie Licensing Renewal 4/1/25-3/31/26

If you recall my writeup on Navigating Copyright Concerns from the February 24 Briefing, Swank is a resource I recommend to any libraries interested in screening movies.

Our movie licensing will be expiring on 3/31/25.

For libraries that are interested in purchasing a movie license, your pricing will depend on how many total libraries join. If 20 to 29 libraries join, your pricing will be under that Group Quote column, but if we have 30 to 42 libraries join your pricing will be under that Group Quote column.

FAQ from Swank.pdf

Sole Source Letter 2.28.24.pdf

OWWL Library System Quote 4.1.25-3.31.26.pdf

Contact Kelly by Tuesday with any questions or to join/renew.

System Board Meeting Follow-Up

The OWWL Library System Board of Trustees met last Wednesday. Here's a summary of what they approved:

Oversized OWWL Library Cards now Available

We received requests for oversized OWWL library cards that can be used for photos or library card sign-up events. Kelly ordered two for us. They are 28" x 22", with the OWWL Library Card design on one side and the OWWL Youth Library Card design (featuring Booklet) on the other.

They are available to member libraries here:

Contact Piety with questions.

What's New on the Trustee and Director Academies

Newly Added Resources
  • Recently Asked Questions | Ron Kirsop, Executive Director of the OWWL Library System, provides answers to frequently-asked questions on topics such as policy, governance, human resources, budget and budget votes, fiscal responsibility, and more. Included in this resource are a selection of Recently Asked Questions.
  • Trustee Briefing | Ron Kirsop, Executive Director of the OWWL Library System, provides an overview of the current challenges and issues facing libraries within our System, emphasizing matters relevant to library trustees.
Newly Added Webinars
  • Creating an Effective Report to the Community | Matt Corey, consultant for the North Country Library System, explores strategies for creating and distributing your Report to the Community to make the biggest impact. An important state minimum standard for all libraries, your Report to the Community is an indispensible advocacy tool that can communicate your library's value, keep stakeholders connected, and help your library meet its unique goals.
  • FY 2026: State Aid for Library Construction | In this presentation, Suzanne Macaulay, Program Director of the OWWL Library System, discusses the State Aid for Library Construction program. Topics include eligible projects, the procedure to apply, updates from the NYS Division of Library Development, and the approximate timeline of the FY 2026 grant cycle.
  • Ask The Lawyer from WNYLRC (10 webinars) | The Western New York Library Resources Council retains an attorney to offer WNYLRC and its members timely input on human resources, intellectual property, digital rights management, vendor contracts, first amendment, civil rights, employment law, and other legal issues that can impact library operations. "Ask the Lawyer" was developed and piloted by the Western New Library Resources Council in 2016 and is now a service to members of all nine regional library councils in New York.
The direct link to the Director Academy is . Contact Piety with questions.

Special Needs Parent Resource Fair at Webster Public Library on April 19

From RRLC:

We are excited to share that our 3rd annual Special Needs Parent Resource Fair is on Saturday, April 19 from 10am-12pm . If you could share this event with your community to help us spread the information, that would be great. Over 50 organizations will be in attendance to give caregivers and parents of developmentally disabled individuals of all ages information on services and resources. A full list of organizations can be found on the WPL website . Please contact jennifer . paxson @ libraryweb .org with questions.

Registration is recommended .
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