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State Aid for Library Construction Program

Program Overview

Capital funds for the State Aid for Library Construction Program are provided annually in the New York State Budget for library construction and broadband infrastructure projects. The Division of Library Development (DLD) oversees the program administered locally by the state's twenty-three public library systems. The OWWL Library System manages State Aid for Library Construction to the public and association libraries in Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston Counties.

Funds are allocated to public library systems based on formulas in Education Law 273-a. Libraries may qualify for up to 50% of their total project cost and up to 75% if they meet the Reduced Match Eligibility Requirements. Individual awards are determined by the number of libraries applying proportional to available funds and libraries' three-year award history. For FY 2024, funding priority will be given to projects whose primary work is ADA / Accessibility.

Repair and general/routine maintenance are ineligible to receive construction aid funds according to DASNY guidelines.

FY 2024 Project Timeline (Updated)

  • Winter / Spring 2024 DLD reviews applications and then sends them to DASNY for approval APPLICATIONS ARE CURRENTLY AT THIS PHASE
  • Late Summer / Early Fall 2024 Libraries are notified of application approval from DLD following DASNY review and approval.
    • Approved projects will now need to complete and submit their signed FS-10s
  • Late Fall 2024 Libraries will receive the initial payment of 90% of their total award amount from NYS
  • June 30, 2029 Deadline to close out project
    • The final award payment of 10% will be disbursed when the project close-out has been approved by DLD
Please Note: Funding is not guaranteed until the final review and approval by DASNY. Their review, including a review for bondability by DASNY's bond counsel, is a lengthy process, and libraries should not expect funding within the first fiscal year of the project.

Timeline subject to change to reflect program changes from DLD and/or DASNY.

FY 2025 Project Timeline

  • January 30, 2024 FY 2025 State Aid for Library Construction Information Session (virtual)
  • May 24, 2024 Intent to Apply with Proof of Available Funds and Contractor Quote(s) due to OWWL Library System
  • June 13, 2024 Aid notifications sent to qualifying libraries; libraries must affirm they are moving forward by June 20
  • June 26, 2024 Construction Aid Online Grant Portal Training (virtual)
  • July 1, 2024 Work may begin on FY 2025 projects (but must not be completed before September 6, 2024); any work completed between January 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024 can qualify for match funds only.
  • September 6, 2024 Full State Aid for Library Construction Applications due to OWWL Library System
  • October 2024 Final award notifications sent to libraries
  • October 2024 Deadline for OWWL Library System to submit all applications to DLD
  • Winter / Spring 2025 DLD reviews applications and then sends them to DASNY for approval
  • Late Summer / Early Fall 2025 Libraries are notified of application approval from DLD following DASNY review and approval.
    • Approved projects will now need to complete and submit their signed FS-10s (this is a change that started with FY 2024 Projects)
  • Late Fall 2025 Libraries will receive the initial payment of 90% of their total award amount from NYS
  • June 30, 2030 Deadline to close out project
    • The final award payment of 10% will be disbursed when the project close-out has been approved by DLD
Please Note: Funding is not guaranteed until the final review and approval by DASNY. Their review, including a review for bondability by DASNY's bond counsel, is a lengthy process, and libraries should not expect funding within the first fiscal year of the project.

Timeline subject to change to reflect program changes from DLD and/or DASNY.

Intent to Apply

NOTE: The Intent to Apply for the FY 2025 cycle was by May 24, 2024.

System Resources

State Resources

Changes for FY 2025 Applicants

  • Funding priority will be given to projects whose primary work is ADA / Accessibility.
  • When applying for projects concerning ADA and accessibility, be sure to use inclusive language (click here for some helpful resources for inclusive words and terms).
  • All pre-project photos must be in a single document (either Word or PDF) and clearly labeled. Multiple image uploads will no longer be accepted.
  • If you do not own your building and need to show certification of the required ten-year minimum lease/legal agreement, DLD requires a signed letter "from the owner of the building that specifically states the library is guaranteed residence for at least ten years from the anticipated completion date of the project. This guarantee must apply to all areas of the building on which State Aid for Library Construction funds are spent." General/open-ended agreements are no longer accepted.
  • Quotes/bids cannot contain contingencies or markups. These types of speculative line items are not eligible for funding.
  • FS-10 forms for each project will be submitted by the library system following official notification that the projects have been approved by DASNY. You do not need to submit FS-10 forms until notified by DLD/DASNY to do so.
  • As the program now allows for up to six years to be completed, progress reports will only be required to request the third and sixth years, subject to changes in the governing legislation.
  • Match Funds is now referred to as Library Share. This change in terminology is to further clarify that this is not a dollar-to-dollar match grant but supplemental aid from NYS.
  • Progress reports will be managed by the System. Libraries will no longer receive Progress Report emails from DLD; any project update requests will come from
  • Post-project photos are no longer required. Libraries must instead complete the Closing Assurances form when submitting their projects for close-out.

Current Project and Application Updates

NOTE: With the passing of Chapter 333 of the Laws of NY 2022, projects funded through the State Aid for Library Construction now have six years to complete project activities.

Project starts with 0386-19-***:* Closeout is due by June 30, 2024

Project starts with 0386-20-***:* Closeout is due by June 30, 2025

Project starts with 0386-21-****: Closeout is due by June 30, 2026

Project starts with: 0386-22-****: Closeout is due by June 30, 2027

Project starts with 0386-23-****: Award notifications were sent in August 2023, and initial 90% of aid funds were disbursed in October 2023. Closeout is due by June 30, 2028

Project starts with 0386-24-***:* Applications have been approved by DLD and are currently being reviewed by DASNY. Anticipated award notification date is August/September 2024. Anticipated closeout date is June 30, 2029

Construction Aid FAQ

Q. Do we have to use prevailing wage for State Aid for Library Construction projects?

A. From the New York State Library:

Public libraries, as described in Section 253(2) of NYS Education Law, are subject to the prevailing wage law. Free Association libraries are usually not subject to such law, unless they are involved in construction contracts that take place on municipal property or involve municipal use. In the case of Free Association Libraries, prudence would dictate that such libraries contact the Department of Labor and request a determination as to the applicability of the prevailing wage law in the particular circumstances then present. Projects subject to the prevailing wage law require the payment of certain minimum wages for all laborers, workers and mechanics, and it is vital that such information be provided to any party bidding on such a project.

Q. How much money will the System have to allocate this year?

A. We will not know how much aid the System will recieve for FY 2025 projects until after the New York State budget is approved (so typically in late-April/May). DLD will release Library System Allocations based on formulas in Education Law 273-a.

For FY 2024 projects, OWWL Library System will had $901,384 to allocate. This is flat funding from FY 2023 and a decrease from FY 2022.

Q. How can we get our money faster?

A. Submitting completed applications on time, without any missing elements, will expedite the System and DLD review processes. However, ALL State Aid for Library Construction applications (from all 23 public library systems in New York State) must be submitted to DASNY together, and one incomplete application can hold up the process for all 260+ applications. Once DASNY has all the completed applications, their review process will begin. While there is no set timeline for DASNY to complete their review. (For reference, FY 2022 award notices were sent in October 2022 and the first 90% of funding was disbursed to libraries in December 2022.)

Another thing your library can do to help expedite things is sign up for Electronic Funds Transfer (paper checks take longer to be sent to libraries). Click here to log into your library's Statewide Financial Services (SFS) account to set up EFT.

Q. How long do we have to keep paperwork/information from a State Aid for Library Construction funded project?

All paperwork/information including invoices should be kept for six (6) years from the fiscal year the project was closed out.

Q. Can we include a contingency fee in our quote?

A. No and yes. There cannot be a specific line item for contingency fees on your quote document(s). However, when obtaining a quote, let your contractor know the timeline for the project and to forecast a bit what the costs may be one to two years from now. Because many libraries do not start their projects until after the first 90% is disbursed, the quote should reflect the project then and not now. By looking ahead and planning along the project's timeline, your quote may then include built-in contingency costs to account for the increase costs of materials and/or labor when your project actually begins.

Q. Can we use an architect's quote?

A. No. Architects use parametric estimates (see Ron for a deep dive into Project Management and parametric estimates vs. analogous estimates) which is based on a formula. There have been instances of architect quotes being way under actual costs, which has placed the completion of some projects in jeopardy. For this reason, DLD and DASNY only accept contractor quotes as a reliable assessment of true project cost and not quotes from architectural, engineering, or consulting firms.

Q. I'm completing my Payee Information Form and I don't know what a UEI is?

A. As of April 4, 2022, a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) has replaced the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number.

If a library has been assigned a DUNS number and ever registered the DUNS in the federal (not state) SAM system (, the library should have been automatically issued a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). However, created a UEI for both active and expired registrations. Please sign into your account to view your assigned UEI.

If the library has never been assigned a DUNS in the past, the library will need to apply for a UEI, however, as of now the library does not need to take the next step and register the UEI with The UEI does not expire and it is free of charge to apply.

System Contact: Suzanne Macaulay

For questions about current or potential State Aid for Library Construction projects or applications, please contact Suzanne Macaulay, Program Director, at If emailing about a current project, please include your library's name and project number in the email subject line.

This page will continue to be updated as more information/updates on the State Aid for Library Construction program become available.
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