Top 10 Circs Report
The Top 10 Circs reports lists the top titles checked out from your library during a selected time frame. Transactions are selected based on circulation modifier, default, videogame, etc. The reports pulls in title record information (so you could conceivably see duplicate titles, if, for instance a popular title was checked out in multiple formats), and counts initial checkouts.
Other details:
- The report actually includes the top 15 titles, in order to compensate for the occaisional materials that have the wrong circ modifier. Most commonly you might see magazines in a list of "default" materials.
- The "Circ Count" columns sorts in ascending order. Click on the columsn header to re-sort descending.
- You might encounter "duplicate" titles - this means that multiple formats of the same title were checked out.
- If you want to pull up the titles in the catalog, you can use the Record ID number and the Search menu option "Retrieve Bib Record by ID".