Local History Interest Group, Friday, September 18, 2015
PLSHQ Large Meeting Room, 10:00-12:00
Sue Reding, Arcade; Chris Ryan, Avon; Renate Goff, Caledonia; Terry Dearing, Dansville; Theresa Osborn, Geneva; Joyce Gardner and Theresa Streb, Lyons; June Hamell and Stacey Wicksall, Macedon; Blanche Warner, Naples; Kristina Braell, Palmyra; Jessica Pacciotti, Perry; Brenda Becker, Rose; Carol Garland, Sodus; William Miller, Walworth; Kim Iraci, Williamson
Working group purpose
To collaboratively create a system-wide plan for managing local history collections in order to improve access to local history materials, share resources, and prevent duplication of efforts.
Brainstorm: who, what, why
For example:
- what materials do we alredy have?
- what role does local history collections play in general collection policies?
- why/how are local history materials important to the community?
- who are our users of historical materials?
- what are the ideal ways to provide access to access?
- what are our needs for preserving physical materials?
- what is the role of digitization?
- how can we collaborate with each other?
Identify next steps
- Project plan?
- Next meeting
- Action items
Communication plan
- Best way(s) to keep everybody - working group, PLS community - in the loop?
- Get feedback from libraries not represented in the working group?
- Run inventories of local history collections! - ALL
- Create Local History Interest Group email list - Lindsay
- Write up notes, submit highlights to PLS-L, PLS Notes - Lindsay
- Schedule next meeting for November - Lindsay
White board notes