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Youth Services Advisory Committee


OWWL Libraries Youth Services Advisory Committee (YSAC) provides a forum for youth services staff to exchange ideas, engage in collaboration, and participate in personal and professional learning opportunities. YSAC will meet three to four times per year.


YSAC Membership is open to any member library staff engaged in library services to children and teens (birth through age 19).

YSAC will be steered by a team of Officers. The System's Program Director will liaise between YSAC and the member libraries.


Officer positions include:

  • Chair: Prepares meeting agendas, sends notice of all meetings to YSAC members, and presides at meetings.
  • Vice-Chair: Assumes the responsibilities and duties of the Chair or Secretary in case of absence of the Chair or Secretary.
  • Secretary: Records the meeting minutes and shares the minutes and any other relevant documents with all YSAC members.
  • Programming Liaison: Coordinates planning with the Program Director for youth services-focused Continuing Education opportunities and workshops.
  • Member(s)-At-Large: Provides input and support to the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Programming Liaison.


  • Officer terms are two years and positions will be selected at the January meeting
  • Vacancies shall be filled by appointment at the next meeting
Officers will have a short, virtual meeting one week prior to full YSAC Meetings to set the agenda. 2024 Officers Meetings will be:
  • Tuesday, January 9 1pm
  • Tuesday, April 9 @ 1pm
  • Tuesday, September 10 @ 1pm
  • Tuesday, November 5 @ 1pm

2023 - 2024

  • Chair: Katie Smith, Wood Library
  • Vice-Chair: Sarah Matthews, Wadsworth Library
  • Secretary: Jes Purvis, Perry Public Library
  • Programming Liaison: Krystina Dippel, Victor Farmington Library
  • Members-At-Large: Molly Budziszewski, Palmyra Community Library; Megan Clement, Dansville Public Library; Kate Karnisky, Williamson Public Library; Sheryl Saxby, Geneva Public Library

2022 - 2023

  • Chair: Sarah Matthews, Wadsworth Library
  • Vice-Chair: Katie Smith, Wood Library
  • Secretary: Jessica Purvis, Perry Public Library
  • Programming Liaison: Krystina Dippel, Victor Farmington Library


Regular meetings will be held virtually.




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