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Youth Services Meeting January 16, 2009

Page authors: OwwlAdmin Main.pfinnerty Main.lstratton Main.ereynolds

In attendance: Mary Ferris, Dorothy Morehouse, Sheila Koeberle, Christine LaTerra,

Liz O’Toole, Jenny Goodemote, Dawn Goodman, Tanya Thompson, Ellen Reynolds

Ellen thanked everyone for the card sent from the group.

Review of ideas from November meeting

The idea of system’s purchasing video and other game collections cannot happen at this point due to their being no available money and no room in the vans for delivery between libraries.

Something PLS might be able to facilitate is to maintain a list of libraries that own video games and systems that they’re willing to share with others, much as we maintain the Ellison dies list. Libraries would have to make arrangements for delivery between themselves or call Cindy at PLSHQ to see if there is a lighter day for delivery that might be available.

Ideas for transport: exchange at system meetings due to the sensitive nature of the gaming systems. Individual games, however, could be sent through delivery as usual.

Ellen will put out a memo to the libraries asking who is willing to loan video games and/or systems that would be appropriate for programming purposes with the understanding that libraries will be responsible for making transportation/delivery arrangements among themselves.

The popularity of Dennis Boike’s presentation prompted the idea of having a Teen Services topic during the PLS Support Staff Workshop. Ellen will suggest this to Heidi.

With regards to Teen Talks only being for youth services staff, Ellen stated that she opens all her meetings and programs to all staff in the system.

The question was raised regarding how system funds programs. Ellen explained that all funds for programming are shared by the PLSHQ staff.

The thought of having a Teen program/presentation at the Annual Meeting is not likely due to the nature of the meeting and audience needs. Jennifer Morris plans the meeting.

Ellen said Teen services might be featured in the Trustees newsletter in order to share the importance of teen services with library trustees.

Discussion on the group’s choice to focus on grades K-5 in 2009

Last year’s Teen Talks involved some guest speakers, some idea sharing amongst ourselves, and some problem-solving. Do we want the same format?

Debbie (PHE) noted that intermediate kids lack programming. There are programs in place for younger kids and teens, but not as much for the Tweens. If we don’t do something for them, we will have a hard time attracting them to the Teen programs when they’re that age. But it’s still important to remember the Teens.

Suggestions for topics:

1. School communications.

a. Walworth and Canandaigua have been approached by their school districts for programming ideas at the library due to the budget cuts

to the schools.

2. Christopher Harris from GVSLS has a collection of board games. He speaks about the educational value of board games and has offered to speak to PLS. Ellen will contact him.

3. Lock-ins/sleepovers

4. Publicity

Tanya (GPL) shared that they made gingerbread houses during a program this December and that she dressed up as the Gingerbread Man for parents to take holiday photos with their kids. This was a great money saver for families.

Youth Services Section (NYLA) Spring Conference

The Conference is April 3rd in Canandaigua. All staff should be encouraged to attend. If you need registration information, go to

NYLA website>Sections>YSS>Events (on left side)>2009 Spring Conference

Teen Book Festival

is April 4th at Nazareth College. Dorothy (NEW) reported that 20 authors will be in attendance. This year’s location has much more space in the gym and ample parking. Libraries are encouraged to facilitate teens attending the Festival, perhaps by getting a group together to attend together.

Liz (WAL) is putting together raffle baskets for the YSS Conference. Please take a basket and fill it with the theme of your choice (a list was then generated by various members and Liz wrote down names). Anything you spend will come out of the YSS budget. Baskets are due back at the February 13th System Meeting. Ellen said that PLS will hold the baskets for Liz. There is a $20-$30 per basket budget for 6 baskets total.

LSTA Family Literacy Library Service Grant

Ellen then discussed the LSTA Family Literacy Library Service Grant. It is a 2-year grant through DLD. Libraries can apply individually or as a system. The focus is on early literacy, birth-5 years + parent/caregiver. The grant covers programming, equipment, resources. A grant requirement is that the library must partner with a community organization or school. Ellen has the details.

Ellen would like to have libraries apply to participate and limit the number of participants. This could be done by county or by size of the library (Ellen’s preference). She would like no more than 8 libraries to keep the group manageable. One idea is to put a wellness/healthy eating component together and involve Cooperative Extension to partner. Another idea is to set up Early Literacy Workstations ($2000-$3000) which includes a computer with literacy games. There would have to be a component of parent/caregiver programming, and the community organization partner as well. The first year includes activities, programming, etc. The second year builds on the first year and ends with evaluations.).The grant minimum is $10,000 with a maximum of $40,000. Application is due March 13, 2009.

Let Ellen know if your library is interested in applying individually. We don’t want PLS to compete with one of our libraries. There was discussion about possible programs with the end result that Ellen will put together a proposal and circulate it to YAC for comments.

The focus on grades K-5

Ellen is concerned that workshops are not done with the same frequency as in the past. There will be: 4 talks following system meetings; Summer reading preparation and wrap-up. Do you want a workshop that focuses on grades K-5?Mary (CAN) suggested a potpourri of programming for that age group would make a good workshop.

Ellen mentioned that something discussed several years ago was a Readers’ Advisory for this age group that would help kids decide what they want to read. Other ideas for programming were: to determine the skills required when working with this age group; one Reader’s Advisory group for girls, one for boys; a focus on reluctant readers regardless of gender.

Summer Reading

The group determined that an all-day Summer Reading Workshop will occur on Friday, March 13th.

Set-up should be different this year in order to make speakers and crafts more visible. One suggestion is that the speaking would occur in on one side of the large meeting room with the tables arrange lecture-style and the crafts would be on the other side of the room.

Debbie (PHE) suggested that the craft sign-up sheets be placed in the Board Room. Directions for the craft as well as difficulty level, age level, and time allotment should be included on the information sheets.

Performer David Moreland wants to attend. Ellen will invite him.

Ellen will send out the agenda used last year and ask for comments as well as craft volunteers and ideas.

The YAC will meet next month following the System Meeting on Feb. 13th to finalize plans for the workshop.

The lead issue

Ellen stated that Upstart is testing all the toys and Karen Balsen will send Ellen the results. Ellen will send the link that explains what’s been published so are regarding ALA and the lead-free law to the list serve. ALA and the Publishers’ Association has been working on this issue.

The meeting concluded.

submitted by K. Riedener
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