March System Meeting


System Meeting Announcements

Other Notes

Overdrive - increased contributions
Let Cindy & Ron know by April 15th if your library will be increasing their yearly contribution

Is there a way to contact 211 through email?

Is there any way for people to access ancestry through us from home?
Kathryn is investigating.

Can you clarify about counting college kids who have been sent home?
According to the Census Bureau’s Official Residence Criteria for the 2020 Census, college students will be counted at their “usual residence” on April 1, 2020 or where they live and sleep “most of the time.” This means that college students will be counted at their college address (either on- or off-campus), even if they are staying at their
parents’ or guardians’ home on Census Day while on break, vacation, or due to COVID-19 closures.

What is your recommendation for those of us who have upcoming elections? I called BOE and they said to contact our system.
Ron will be providing guidance soon.

Macedon is using a paid version of ZOOM to connect for library board meetings and to do virtual library programming. Tech Soup offers a deeply discounted subscription. I have been working on the set up and will use it with staff today. So far I am very impressed with the functionality.

If libraries are looking for some really good resources to offer their patrons, I have been compiling some amazing things through the @Macedon_PL Twitter account. Check it out!

Should libraries close their book drop completely & not have staff empty it?
Considering our situation and in light of the executive orders from the Governor, I would recommend that you close your book drops for the time being. While the executive order for all non-essential workers to work from home does not begin until Sunday evening (3.22), I would suggest putting this into place as soon as possible and get your people set up to work from home.
If your library is still conducting any type of modified service that interacts with the public you should discontinue these activities as well. Hopefully this recommendation helps some libraries. If you need support discussing these items with your board, please contact Ron.

Are many libraries having mail held?

PLS (and others) are having mail held and periodically going to post office to pick it up.

Feeling challenged keeping support staff "working" and engaged during the closure. Coming up with online ideas for them, but any chance for some support staff virtual training or meetings? (Especially when we're in this for a bit.)
  • Ontario doing a lot of promo planning: End cap display, book clubs 10 months out. Holiday closings a year out. Canva
  • Remote Learning page:
  • PLS will be organizing online gatherings open to all staff
Any word on if NYS Retirement will delay reporting requirements until this crisis passes?
To protect the health of our members and employees, NYSLRS business offices are operating at limited capacity until at least March 31, 2020, but many essential staff are continuing to conduct business from offsite locations.
During this time, you can use Retirement Online from anywhere you have an internet connection for enrollment and reporting.

Can you talk a little about Paid Family Leave?
Paid Family Leave provides leave for those taking care of a family member with a serious health condition, Employees must work at least 20 hours/week and have been employed for the preceding 26 consecutive weeks. The recovered pay is 60% for up to 10 weeks.

How can we contact PLS staff?
We are all remote working & checking our emails regularly. We also have remote access to our voicemails.
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